MovieChat Forums > Hearts and Minds (1975) Discussion > What happened to Lt George Coker?

What happened to Lt George Coker?

I almost felt sorry and embarrassed for Lt George Coker in the movie, because he said so naive (and moronic) things.

Does anyone know if he still today has the same opinions regarding war? Is he even alive today?


There is an article about him in Wikipedia.


lol, "interesting" guy.

the movie itself is too neutral and i dont know how people reacted to it and coker.

did he really travel the US and told children that they won the war? that they fought this difficult to understand war and stopped after they realized that they had won?


did he really travel the US and told children that they won the war? that they fought this difficult to understand war and stopped after they realized that they had won?
I took great pleasure and satisfaction in knowing that a mere two years after Coker did this, the Vietnamese communists won the war and liberated the south, reunifying Vietnam under socialism. I wonder how Coker felt about that, and about his earlier boasts that the US had "won" the war. I hope it's caused him a lot of grief, knowing that he failed to defeat the people of Vietnam, these "primitive, backwards people" that he thought he was so superior to.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
- Goethe


Did you also take pleasure in all the innocent people Minh slaughtered? What a sick *beep* you are.


Coker was a genuine hero a better man than you or me!
