Pure Propaganda

I like how this film portrays Ho Chi Minh to be some benevolent saint. It doesn't discuss the fact that his regime setup more than 24000 death camps and instituted land form policies that called for and eventually led to the death of nearly 200000 Vietnamese, or that he helped give birth to the Khmer Rouge, a political party responsible for the deaths of more southeast Asians than any other regime before it.


Socialism is reliant upon historical revisionism. Hard to keep aloft the misconception that it's about liberation or equality if people are allowed to see the trail of bodies, poverty and slavery that arise whereever it's implemented.


Your interpretation of what the film portrays is rather revisionist of itself. Ho Chi Minh died before the "Re-education" camps sprang up after the war had ended in retaliation to those who cooperated with the United States in its brutal assault on Vietnam. And while I do NOT agree with the camps, the methods they used or the reasons why they were created, it was the United States who killed more Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians from their bombing than died in the camps. The filmmakers were justified at the time at showing the ludicrousness of the war - which cost 55,000 American lives, perhaps 2-3 million Vietnamese casualties, and torn this country apart - giving rise to political right wingers like Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney who worked under Nixon; the only President in the history of the country who resigned in disgrace.



American troops killed more Vietnamese than what Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong did combined.


Who ultimately destroyed the Khmer Rouge? Yep, North Vietnam.


Not that the filmmakers seemed to disagree with it, but they obviously did not stage or shoot that bit of archival [propaganda] footage with Ho Chi Minh.


When reality hurts thst bad, we call it fiction.

Your mother cook socks in hell!
