The soundtrack

So I watched it on Youtube & thought it was ok. (never saw the remake)

But 2 things I noticed: some of the music sounded more 80's & during the end credits I saw a tag in memory of the director who died in 1989. So I assume the version I saw was some weird, updated version.

Why mess with the soundtrack?


Yes, the version you saw is the remastered edition - the entire soundtrack (and sound effects), plus various other elements were completely redone. This was due to Denice Halicki (in charge of the process) refusing to pay royalties for the original material, so instead she had the whole thing redone (probably paying more than she would have in royalties??); while they were there they created the new sound effects partly to make it sound better (in their ears only), and because there was some deterioration in the original negatives and if they were already redoing the music, they couldn't be bothered restoring the effects only.


Just bad. Late 80s style reverb drenched cheap music to mid 70s pictures. It doesnt work at all...


What a major rip off, not to mention a complete letdown!
