What happen to Johnny Ola?

Did Johnny Ola die in this movie. I don't remember him dying in GF2. What did the book happen to him.




Wait a minute... who am I here?


Said he got killed by Michael body guard. But you never see it. I never like them kill off camera.


I believe you do see it.

Unless I'm mistaken, I think you see Michael's bodyguard take Ola out with a coat hanger or something similar.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Thanks I have to see it again.


his hotel. It looked as if he was garrotted.

The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. Samuel Beckett


Killed on the balcony by Michael's bodyguard (who then is killed by Cuban officers a few hours later in the hposital)


He is 100% killed on camera in the scene where Mike's bodyguard sneaks up behind him on the balcony and strangles him with the coat hanger.


He moved to New Jersey and ran the North Jersey Family with his nephew Tony. The nicknamed him Jr.


Thank you for this response!!! If you hadn’t posted this I would have. You definitely have the makings of a varsity poster. :)


He was strangled to death by Michael's 75 year old bodyguard. Seriously the guy is way too old to be a mob hit man.

You do see him get it he is grabbed while on the balcony.


I stand corrected. You do see the strangulation. It is the typical movie strangulation that lasts 15 seconds.
