Shane Briant

Excellent actor. However, I stopped and discarded the movie "Straight On 'Til Morning" as soon as realized was watching a very cruel domestic violence movie. There IS such a thing as going too far.

Not sure how you end a franchise. I assume(don't know) that this was intended to be the last Hammer Frankenstein. If so, having the bad doctor resume his life's work in the usual confident, zestful way at the end is appropriate.


Lesser known than Ralph Bates (5) but more prolific than Simon Ward (1), Shane Briant went on to do four features at Hammer- DEMONS OF THE MIND, STRAIGHT ON TILL MORNING, CAPTAIN KRONOS-VAMPIRE HUNTER, and FRANKENSTEIN AND THE MONSTER FROM HELL. Now living in Australia I believe.

"I take pleasure in great beauty" - James Bond


Madeline Smith and a couple of others did commentary on the dvd. Shane became successful as an author in Austrailia. Wonder if he makes any movie convention appearances?


He is very handsome, but can be very evil at the same time. I think he was born to play Dorian Grey.


He was very good in this movie. Everyone in the movie did good at their roles, but he really stood out.
