That English dubbing!

The English dubbing of Pasolini's masterpiece Arabian Nights" was so wretched, and totally inapropriate for a film of this caliber. It ruins the film. it's like splattering a beautiful painting with mud.


Anyone that it stupid enough to knowingly watch a non-English language film that has been dubbed into English because they're too lazy to read subtitles deserves what they get.

That wasn't very sporting, using real bullets.


@ odo5435 - As was standard practice for italian films this movie was filmed without sound with all voices and follie effects added in post production. As such whatever version you watch you are watching a dub.

And where does the original poster state they haven't already watched the Italian language version? Nowhere. So why call them lazy and stupid? It just makes you look like a snobbish pompous ass.

"Who's driving this plane? Stan Butler?"


And where does the original poster state they haven't already watched the Italian language version? Nowhere. So why call them lazy and stupid? It just makes you look like a snobbish pompous ass.

I have no idea where "the original poster state[d] they haven't already watched the Italian language version" because what the original poster originally posted is entirely a matter of conjecture. For reasons known only to themselves, he/she chose to 'Edit' his/her comment immediately after my reply.

Why did I call them 'lazy' and 'stupid'? I don't know, but I usually don't use such harsh terms unless there is some relevance to the original (unedited) post.

Does it make me look like a "snobbish[,] pompous ass"? Probably. On the face of it. However, we'll never know because the OP cowardishly made amendments to a post instead of justifying their reasons for the said post.

I, on the other hand, still stand by my original statement (as now edited here).

"Anyone that it stupid enough to knowingly watch a non-English language film that has been dubbed into English because they're too lazy to read subtitles, deserves what they get."

That wasn't very sporting, using real bullets.

Edits = Grammar improvements


the dubbed italian is pretty stupid if you ask me, in a middle eastern film. I think the english dubb is pretty good.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.


"Arabian Nights" is not a Middle Eastern film, it is only filmed there. The actors in it are from all over the World, but it is an Italian production. I was just saying that the Italian track sounds alot more natural than the American-style English audio, which makes the movie sound like a cheap comedy or a porn film.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


The Italian voice actors, like the actors, were literally people that Pasolini picked up off the street. It sounds more natural to anglophones like us, but I don't know how natural it would sound to native Italians (it would be the equivalent of an American making a movie about Arabs and giving them West Virginian accents).

The English dub is bland, and lacks a sense of poetry. But there have been far worse.


I haven't heard the English dubbing but the Italian dubbing didn't seem well done at all. It certainly didn't match the actors mouths, so its really no more legitimate than English or any other dubbing would be. I would assume Pasolini worked with mostly Italian actors and actresses, but maybe not in this case? Were any of the characters voiced (on the Italian audio) by the actual person on screen?
