MovieChat Forums > Earthquake (1974) Discussion > The "Worst special effects" won an Osca...

The "Worst special effects" won an Oscar.

The only thing odd was that it made it seem like the earthquake lasted 10 minutes since it showed so many destructions, instead of the real time-elapse.
Why are people calling it the worse special effects, just to be nasty? (or likely young)


Yes in reality an earthquake really only last a short time, a few seconds to maybe a few minutes maximum at most, I suppose with the movie they were trying to show you what was happening to the various groups of people that we were introduced to earlier in the movie at different locations during the quake which could not really be done in a few minutes.
Also with a 2hr movie and the earthquake as the main star they had to show more than just a few minutes of mass destruction and death.


I thought Ava Gardner looked silly, suddenly opening her up big eyes when the earthquake began. Again, the director being concerned more with effects than the actors.
