Tragic Irony

The movie suggests that Dersu was killed because of the gun Arseniev offered him. isn't it ironic that if Arseniev hadn't tried being a good person to Dersu - bring him to the city because he was going blind; offer him a better rifle because he wanted to return to the forest - Dersu might not have died?

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


Yeah, maybe Arseniev was thinking the same after hearing that Dersu had been killed possibly because robber wanted his gun.

Well, anyways, Dersu was old and I think he really had life worth living for :)

rest in peace Dersu <3


I think it was pretty much that Dersu was going to die soon anyhow, and it didn't really matter if it was because of the thief or not. I think if he really wanted to he could have defended himself, he just choose not to.


Dersu would not have survived long in the forest because he could no longer hunt for meat or protect himself from other rogue hunters. His brief sojourn with Arseniev and his family in Khabarovsk held off the inevitability of his death but his death was an inevitability. I think the rifle is more symbolic than significant to Dersu's death.

A bird sings and the mountain's silence deepens.
