Am I the only one

Please, write to Criterion, we need a Bluray for Dersu Uzala.

"Dear Criterion,

I am one of many fan of the film 'Dersu Uzala' by the legendary director Akira Kurosawa. This motion picture is a masterpiece and it deserves to be restored in high quality because of the beautiful scenery depicted in the film. This movie is also extremely difficult to find in good quality.

Akira Kurosawa made this film in Russia after being rejected by studios in Japan. Under-appreciated and not well known from the public, 'Dersu Uzala' deserves a chance to be seen by everyone.

Please, we need a Blu-ray restoration for 'Dersu Uzala'."


No, you're not alone. I did

Bluray? If Dersu often in cinemas - good idea. I'll try to ask.

Good idea is full translation of the book. In Poland we made a beautiful edition: new translation, full (two volumes), with illustrations, preface and epilog, hardcover.
