MovieChat Forums > Death Wish (1974) Discussion > Liberals should love this and conservati...

Liberals should love this and conservatives should hate this?

***** SPOILERS********

When Kersey meets Jainchill he tells him his housing project needs to be at harmony and not destroy it’s environment. That he won’t build something that will be slum in 20 years and will have space so that families can let their children & pets play. He mocks the way they live in New York, where people live in cramped housing, so close together that you can hear your neighbours toilet flush. Surely the way he builds homes is not a panacea for ending violent crime but isn’t this what liberals have been saying for years? That if you live like this you’ll at least reduce it!

Now, conservatives are big on law and order and whilst they’d agree with the right to bear arms and to defend yourself they would be ones that would denounce vigilantes in the strongest possible terms. As they would argue, America is not the Wild West anymore, you have to leave law and order to those authorised by the state. If there is a problem with crime the solution is to increase funding to the police and look at ways for the state to stop people offending and re-offending, not to take the law into your own hands as that leads to anarchy.




"Self defense" is one thing and you are free to do it. In this movie, however, Charles Bronson shoots attackers who are running away from him, shoots attackers who have been disabled and are on the ground (going for "kill shots"), and also shot dead a man who slashed his newspaper in half with a knife.

You can call yourself a "liberal" if you want to, but you would be going to prison for a long time if you imitated Paul Kersey's actions in this movie.

My biggest problem with this movie is Paul Kersey never takes responsibility for his actions. He always shoots and runs (like 'hit and run' but with a gun).

As for the Tucson developer I am of two minds about that project. On the one hand, carefree attitudes about space have resulted in massive urban sprawl and crumbling public infrastructure (due to the cost of maintainance) on the other I like parks and natural spaces. Comparing Tucson to New York City though is pointless. 80% of the U.S. population lives along the Eastern and Western seaboards. Building upwards is a necessity there due to limited space relative to population. In Arizona and other parts of the mid-West, by comparison, there are much fewer people living there, so land is relatively less valuable and builders are free to make sprawling suburbs, as they have for many years.

There are no problems that cannot be solved with a can of brake clean and a lighter



Is that what they do where you come from? The DPRK isn't it?



Greatest movie ever made then?
