Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

I see the above movie appears at the bottom of this movie's main page as one of imdb's recommendations- for some reason, I think the two would make an interesting double bill, and point of comparison. I can think of interesting similarities. Anyone agree?


I agree.

The house, with its fragmented narrative, weird going-ons, a girl in stress, dwellers in make-up speaking cryptic lines and two women going in to save her, does reminds one of Laura trapped in the Black Lodge with Bob and the others and having Agent Cooper come in to rescue her.

I just wish Twin Peaks had ended in such a happy note as this movie

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


Interesting - I´ve read a story about a screening of FWWM attended by Rivette who, according to his own words, left the cinema "as if flying". There weren´t too many who thought much of FWWM upon the initial release.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan

