Plastic bag

Why does the main guy wear that ridiculous plastic bag?


It's a not-so-subtle metaphor for Harry as a person. A thin layer of protection that doesn't do much good. Google his last name as well - "caul".

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I think Caul was a misprint or typo that just happen to stick so they just went with it. I don't think it had anything to do with the caul you reference. And I guess I'll have to watch the film again to see the plastic bag on his head as I completely missed that one.

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I'd be curious about the source of the use of "Caul", if it was a typo as you say. Coppola has been known to not exactly be subtle with name choices to represent an archetype ("Kilgore", et al). And who was talking about a plastic bag on his head? I think the OP was referring to his ever-present raincoat, thin as a veil, that he wears around all the time (the 'caul').

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It started as a typo, then he decided to leave it in because he liked the way the meaning of the mistyped word fit into the movie.

Actually both reasons are correct at some point, just not at the same time.

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