MovieChat Forums > California Split Discussion > Screen writer's comments on the ending

Screen writer's comments on the ending

found this interesting article on the ending. My big question is still did Bill take his half of the money or only some?


I thought they split it; that was never in question.


Well Mr Gould's line was one of those things they call 'lucky accidents'. I too think it's the end between them and a perfect ending for the film, much better than the one Joseph Walsh envisioned in his script.

Thanks for the article! Watched California Split again last night. One of my all-time favourites.


The ending was jazzy greatness. Abrupt. A true ending. Most movies are better if you chop off the 1st 10 minutes and the last 10.


when I watched it, I thought Elliot says "where do you live?" which made sense.

the screenwriter says that he said "where do you leave?" which makes no sense to me.

I loved the film and the ending definitely worked for me anyway, but now I'm curious - the whole film leaves a lot up to the viewer to fill in. You gotta just go along for the ride.


"the screenwriter says that he said "where do you leave?" which makes no sense to me."

I figure that "where do you leave?" is a transcription typo, unless it's some sort of mysterious gambler jargon.


I think the screenwriter meant for Gould to say "where do you leave," as in where do you leave the casino. The screenwriter talks about how he had another scene in mind after they leave the casino, but Gould said "where do you live?" as in they're done and want to go home, which ends the film.


I thought "Where do you live?" was saying, they really had no idea who each other was.

They had nothing in common, but a partnership in a long gambling binge that had exhausted them both.

It was time to split-up and Charlie was curious as to who this guy he had spent this whole gambling
binge with came from.
