Minor goofs in the Movie

The California Kid is set in 1958, but there are a few minor goofs to show it was filmed later than that. The center line on the highway is yellow; in 1958, center lines on 2-lane roads were white. Secondly, the California license plate on the California Kid's hot rod was black with yellow numbers/letters; the California plates in 1958 were yellow with black numbers/letters (1956 plate with 1958 renewal sticker). Also, I think Sheriff Roy is holding a beer can with a pull tab opening; in 1958, you needed a can opener to get to the beer. Despite all that, it's still a good movie to watch. Any other minor goofs anybody else might have noticed?


I've noticed a few goofs myself. The only one that comes to mind is the narrow whitewall tires that appear on some cars in the movie. Narrow whitewalls weren't available on new vehicles until 1961.


Another "typo" is the newspaper clipping Mike McCord leaves on the lunch counter for Sheriff Roy to see. It says 6th and 7th victims claimed on the Clarksburg curves, and the message as the 1934 Coupe arrives in town says that, but Lyle Stafford later gets killed in Sheriff Roy's speedtrap, making him the 8th victim.


No Message



wendi, it's Michelle Phillips not Julia Phillips, not by a mile!
