Help! Is this...

Is this the movie where there is a goat head atop a skeleton and when the eyes light up the crew comes back to life? Is the ending where the trespassers make it to land to wake up surrounded? I saw a movie with this parts in the plot when I was a kid but I don't remember much else other than the goat's eyes scaring me...


Yes, you have the right movie.


Just thought I'd second this by sayng yes that sounds right.


it is absolutley correct :D


Agreed; this be the one.



SH, you're the poster child for why abortion should be free and legal, even up to sixty years after birth.



F' Off, creep!

What exactly is your major malfunction? Your parents might be proud of their little distal end of an alimentary canal, but those of us who use the IMDb for its legitimate purposes, in compliance with the Terms of Use, just recognize you for the worthless, trolling piece of waste matter that you've proven yourself to be. You're not funny, you're not clever, you're just pathetic. So like every time you have an enuresis incident you act on a compulsion to deficate on the IMDb? What an impotent little boy. The shame you must feel at being so utterly worthless must constantly be on what passes for your mind. How pathetic. So mommy hung your sheets out for the whole neiborhood to see, didn't she? Rub your nose in them first? Well that's just too bad, you were no doubt an unwanted accident anyway, most internet trolls were. Must really suck to be worthless and unwanted. Have you ever considered just doing the whole world a favor. Mommy would probably be grateful. We sure would be.

Go harrass someone else, Nancy, while you still have an account. Even better, go get the professional psychiatric help of which you've clearly demonstrated you are in need.


