Warren Oates' Performance..?

I think it's up there with the very best of all-time. The subtlety and nuance on display is astounding and a beautiful thing to behold. How anyone could consider this one of the worst films of all-time and keep harping on about Peckinpah's morality (I think of him as the most moralistic of directors) is pathetic. Alfredo Garcia was just way, way ahead of it's time and one of THE jewels of 1970's American Cinema.


i agree. Warren Oates performance in "The Border" was also great, even though he wasn't the lead actor.



I agree Warren Oates gives an all time great performance.

"What is that?"-Reese

"Something my brother used to listen too"-Marcus



'Tis true. After a long wait, it's out on dvd.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


One of the worst performances I've seen.

You are what you love, not what loves you.


I have always been a Warren Oates fan...
he was the best part of this movie.


When I think of this film, I think of Oates, blasted on mushrooms, filming the buried alive scene at night.

I mean, beyond the film itself, beyond its characters, themes and technical impressiveness -- that anecdote makes me appreciate the entire enterprise even more.

One wonders how he was able to keep it together, lying under the dirt, waiting for Sam to call, "Action!"

But, man, he certainly seems like he wants to get a lungful of air. I don't think he had to ask any BS questions about motivation.


I don't know this story about the shrooms, please share!
