The Flute Scene

LuchaDetective brought to the board's attention that Code Red DVD is going to bring out a Jam Packed DVD of "Beyond the Door/Chi Sei." Ovidio Assonitis, in this release states that he is going to restore the "Famous Flute Scene" that has never before been released in America.

Does anyone know the scene to which Ovidio Assonitis refers? My imagination is favoring something to the tune of "This one time, at band camp, Jessica Barrett . . ." Sort of a rip of "The Exorcist's" "Crucifix" scene.

If you know it, please describe it.


I have to Japanese disc that came out this year, the disc is titled Diabolica but has the original title The Devil Within Her and is Uncut. The scene with the flute is hilarious, the husband of Juliet Mills in the movie gets followed by a group of street musicians. One of them that plays a flute with his nose, yes you heard me right with his nose. When i first saw this i busted out laughing, i hope this new DVD from Code Red coming out next year has a commentary track by Juliet Mill and director Ovidio Assontis.


VERY GROOVY!! While the one guy in the beginning "never had to play an 18 bar solo with his tool," another plays one with his nose. Thank you!!

It would be nice to see Julet Mills participate!! I simply assume that Dimitri will be there!! You can't make this DVD without Dimitri. After all he's "Diiiiiii-miiiiiiiii-triiiiiiii, the clair-voy-auuuuuuuuunht. Dimitri, that . . . man. Fools, fools, you blind stupid fools. That man is tricking you." He wants to steal her baby. That man doesn't exist Blah-blah-blah . . .


That flute-scene is more annoying than 'famous', if you ask me. It would have been a nice gimmick if it didn't went on and on for nearly five extremely long minutes.

Gee they're good at playing dead, aren't they?


"That flute-scene is more annoying than 'famous', if you ask me. It would have been a nice gimmick if it didn't went on and on for nearly five extremely long minutes."

The "flute scene" is just one of many scenes in this movie that I found annoying. I like this kind of movie usually, and I don't care about the fact that it was a ripoff, the dialogue was ridiculous, and the story made absolutely no sense. I just disliked how indulgent the director was scenes that absolutely did not matter, like the flute scene. How did this advance the story, or benefit the film in any way? We didn't even care about Jessica's husband really, he was a jerk most of the time and a dolt the rest of the time. If it appeared at all, it could have just been a short glimpse.


Famous?! Idiotic is more like it.

There's someone knocking in the wall. Was it like an echo?


Oh I don't know about that sounds hilarious. LOL



Agreed. Beyond the Door is a fine little horror flick in many regards, but it also drags at times. So adding the 5 minute flute scene is, though nice for uncut's sake, definitely a problem since you're adding more to the droopiness. :( Personally, I think the film should have been 80 minutes.

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I actually thought the flute scene was kind of gross myself. I don't know why but I always cringe at that scene.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


The dreaded famous flute scene is one of those things you never want to watch at home late at night.
