Excellent Movie!

This is a great movie and one of Dreyfus' best. Dreyfus fit the persona of Duddy to a T, complete with the squirrely character and the mischievous antics. Did any one find the portrayal of Duddy to be perhaps overly stereotypical of young, ambitious, profit-motivated Jewish immigrants at all? I guess it could go both ways -- both good and bad.


Not a stereotype at all. Compare his character with the rest of the players. He was born with a wild hair, and raised in an emotionally deprived enviroment. Great great film.
Bill Cooper



I agree. And another one like this is The Bay Boy, an early film with Keifer Sutherland. It is still my favorite by him. Just a little film but perfect in every way.


I agree, Dreyfuss and many of the other actors are amazing in this movie!
The book is also definitely worth reading.


"overly stereotypical of young, ambitious, profit-motivated Jewish"
You probably can't be overly stereotypical. It's very real and while not as prevalent in the 21st Century it's still out there.
