MovieChat Forums > Angst essen Seele auf (1974) Discussion > The 'incident' to which Ali refers

The 'incident' to which Ali refers

At one point in the film, while explaining to Emmi the increasing hostility he feels as a guest worker, Ali alludes to some recent (at the time) xenophobia-stoking incident.

No details are given -- presumably any German audience member in 1974 would have understood the reference.

Anyone able to shed some light on the relevant history? The incident was simply referred to as "what happened in [Munich / Hamburg]" (I can't remember which).


One of my favourite films-just watched it again tonight. I presume the recent 'incident' mentioned, is the killing of Israeli athletes by Arab terrorists, at the 1972 Olympics that were held in Munich. Hope this helps.


Ah, yes. Obviously. '72... recent history when the film was made.

For some reason, the context of the dialogue made me think there'd been a flashpoint incident specifically involving guest workers who lived in Germany (rather than an international tragedy perpetrated by Palestinians).

But you're clearly correct.
