MovieChat Forums > Amarcord (1974) Discussion > the best movie ever?

the best movie ever?

yes i know ''the best''things are being always creepy,but for real cinema(i mean real streets for set,real things...) amarcord is my best


The sets and lighting were truly masterful, some of the acting was a bit over the top, but it was a great coming of age movie that took me to a time and place that was both magical and beautiful.

"I need a woman!"




i think we can safely say this is not the best movie ever. and please, stop saying those sorts of things. that's like saying the best book ever written or the best song ever composed. there is no universal best, only personal/subjective favorites.



I agree there is not universal best. I think this movie is THE BEST but it's my personal opinion


I think Amarcord is one of the best Italian films of all time. I gave it 9/10, and it is certainly one of Fellini's greatest achievements.


Seriously? I don't know if my expectations were too high after reading about "Amarcord", but I just watched it for the first and surely for the last time. It wasn't really bad, had some funny moments, but comedies are, probably more than any other genre, in danger of becoming dated rather quickly. I love many old movies(including silents), but only very few of them are comedies (Marx Brothers in general, Some Like it Hot, some Laurel&Hardy, Charlie Chaplin). However, "Amarcord" isn't that old and I actually like many comedies from the late 60's onwards, so maybe another reason why I did not really enjoy it is that I just don't get that much out of this Italian folklore thing.



well, my reply would be quite simply: YES!
i hate those threats you find on imdb for every movie, saying best /worst film ever....
but i agree on amarcord for these reasons:
it stands out and cannot be compared to any other film ive ever seen. it has a structure like a poem rather than a novel, as it has no real plot, it just shows people in situations (it is snowing, it is foggy, there is a parade,there is a celebration.....
this film is just beautiful. there is no scene in which you won't find beauty, both in the images and in the scene /dialogue itself.
and what i probably love most about it, is that every single person, no matter how important, has a certain dignity. just think of titta s dad as an example, who is at first portrayed as a quite dumb, screaming guy who just can t deal with his family, with life in general. but then, fellini give s him back his dignity, by simply showing that he is the guy who does not join the mussolini parade....
well, after all, i'd say that this is a perfect film. (i think there are some more films which are perfect, because they just want to be what they are, and dont pretend to be something else. among these are, id say, north by northwest, charade, bande a part...)


I agree with this last thread... I just watched it agsin after not see it for a long time, a perfect and beautiful film for sure! One of best films ever!


Saw it for the first time today, but I can't say I was very impressed. I was with the visual, the compositions, the beautiful colors and the lighting in many scenes, but I thought the story itself wasn't really interesting. Apart from some particular scenes that I liked, I found myself looking at my watch 45 minutes into the movie.

I sat through it because I like Fellini. Admitted, haven't seen that much of him yet, just 8 1/2, La Dolce Vita, La Strada and now Amarcord. I once made the mistake to turn off La Dolce Vita after about an hour, a couple weeks later I got the advice to complete it, just for the matter of completion. So I did, and I was absolutely stunned at the ending. I then decided always to finish a film, no matter what.

Too bad the ending of Amarcord didn't got to me the same way La Dolce Vita did. Looking back at it, I think the script just wasn't that good. Not that I'm an expert on it, but it didn't seem to me that the film was going somewhere. It was floating around against a beautiful colored background, but nevertheless floating, without direction.

I think Fellini lost himself somewhere in this film. Maybe he was experimenting, or maybe he got too sentimental.


I disagree with the last comment. The film is pure genius.


This film is FANTASTIC! The women (especially the tobacconist!), those crazy boys, the scenery and the colours.Seriously - I've never enjoyed a movie so much. The ending was incredibly sad though. This is most definitely one of the best movies ever made. KUDOS to Fellini!

To be honest, I find it surprising that this movie isn't more popular. Some people claim that this is a very accessible movie, but I still feel that people are starting to forget about this classic. People seem to obsess over Cinema Paradiso instead (which is only a bad copy) IMO. I KNOW that they're not THAT similar, but still....


Yes, it is sad that this great film is slipping into obscurity. I just watched it again at my library (they show foreign films there) and I have to say it is one of my favorite films. Cinema Paradiso was ok but Amarcord is the real deal. There is just so much of life up there on the screen that is hard to imagine a finer recollection of childhood memories and thoughts from a filmmaker. This is Fellini at his best and most whimsical I suspect that he was at the happiest time of his life while making this film. I realize most prefer 81/2 and La Dolce Vita ( both great films ) but give me Amarcord over those any time.



Not the best movie ever IMO, but I liked it more than I thought I would. I've only seen 8 1/2 and La Dolce Vita and very little of Satrycon, and I have to say that Amorcord edges out 8 1/2 a bit in my books. The charactors are zany, i love how when they're rushing to the beach that old guy is like "where are these ppl going etc." and some guy says to him casually "stop busting their balls". Scenes like that are also when that lawyer guy is talking to the camera and some guy is making noises in the background.

I dunno there's like this innocent and fun feeling to this movie even though there's some strong adult situations in it. When I think of this movie, I think for the most part it's a feel good movie even though some bad things happen. I was surprised to be caring about Aurelio when he gets the castor oil treatment and sorta sad for Grascia and her being lonely. Like it was sorta typical she'd find someone at the end, but as conventional the ending is, I wanted it to happen for her and was happy to see it. The score is upbeat and pleasent, Aurelio is my favourite charactor...the guy is like a cartoon when he gets angry. I also like that street peddler guy who supposedly slept with those 28 women that belonged to the emir. I thought he was really funny and nice to see on screen.

This is a nice feel good happy movie. It seems like it's very accessable as well so I think anyone could enjoy it.


My favorite Fellini movie so far, but the best movie evah is still Brazil.

"Confess quickly! If you hold out too long you could jeopardize your credit rating."


For every good movie there are these 2 standard threads...
1)The best movie ever?


It's insulting to have a single favorite movie! Or a single favorite in a single genre/category.... there are so many great films!!!!!!!!! And they're mostly so different that they're incomparable. Have you seen every single movie that ever existed....!?



I thought it was pretty good, but not the best

Please check out some short reviews by me here.
