2 Questions

1) in the episode "coward," the story is that he has to retrieve a treaty between the nationalist Chinese and the Russians. Would those 2 have really been willing to deal with each other?
2) Why was Lee Majors chosen for the role of Steve Austin over,Monte Markham?
Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help!!!
Thank You
[email protected]


Why does it even matter nthat Mr. Majors was chosen for Steve Austin?


Dear mactach:
If you didn't know it, Monte Markham was the first choice for Steve Austin.
Asking why Lee Majors got the role instead of him would seem to be a fair enough question. Also what about the treaty between the nationalist Chinese
and the Russians. It seems a little unliklely.
Thank You
[email protected]


Sorry, didn't know that.


Majors had the look of wholesome good guy, Markam had too much a shady appearance.


1. You have to be an "older" bloke like myself- to remember that during the "Cold War" years (Prior to Reagan, Glasnost, etc...), the (former) Soviet Union and the (nationalist) Chinese were ALLIES. Back then, Communism was the "tie that binds" (no pun intended). So from a "story" standpoint, this certainly wasn't as far-fetched as say, the "bionic dog". (okay- that time the pun WAS intended).
2. Lee Majors had just come off of two successful television series ("Big Valley" and "Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law"), and was simply a safer-bet, from a pilot-episode standpoint. Harve Bennett actually addresses this subject in a comment on the DVD extras for the series. I remember Markham was well-respected in television at the time (many guest-starring roles), and I got the impression (Bennett doesn't say so directly) that Markham might have been promised the role- hence his appearance in later episodes as the SEVEN million dollar man.
As a footnote, I really liked Markam as Barney, that race-car driving, seven million dollar man. I often thought that they never should've "de-tuned" him. I also thought it would've been nice to see him reappear in later episodes.


Martin Caidin, the author of Cyborg (the novel on which Six is based) wanted Markham. The producers wouldn't go for it.

The Nationalist Chinese were Chiang Kai-shek's people who fled to Taiwan. For years, the US refused to acknowledge the People's Republic of China as legitimate, instead supporting the Republic of China on Taiwan. The US and the PRC reached their rapprochement via the "one China doctrine," whereby both countries supported the statement "There is only one China, and Taiwan is a part of that China," and each side was free to have their face-saving interpretation of that phrase.

/history lesson



I can't answer about Markham but here is my take on the treaty.

Russia and communist China were allies. China used to threaten to invade the Nationalists territory. A treaty with Russia could have possibly reduced the chances of an invasion. However in real life I doubt they they would even be talking to each other. It mase for a good fantasy type story.

I liked this show when it first came out. Eventually like many other shows I got tired of it and quit watching during it's last year.


1. Yes it's plausible at the time.

2. Because ABC knew that Lee Majors was more recognisable to the tv-watching public that Monte Markham.


Monte did actually do the initial pilot movie, but when it was sent to the higher ups for approval they wanted the character of Steve Austin to be re-cast. It happens all the time so I'm sure Monte wasn't too surprised. I'm glad he later appeared in a couple of episodes as he made a great nemesis / friend for Steve.


If so, that must be one of those never, ever, actually seen by anyone, we must destroy this immediately pilots...

I have seen others claim the author wanted Monte as the main character, but I have never before heard anyone claim Monte appeared in any SMDM pilot movie... maybe a screen test or something?
