did charles ever cook?

or was he non cooking


I think he attempted it in one or two episodes, like the one when the women were on strike and he had to cope with running the house. And maybe in the episode where Nels opens the restaurant to rival the one Harriet was running for the corporation. (I'm not sure, he might have just been sawing away on his violin in that episode.)


Seems to me that I recall a few episodes involving camp type outings, in which Charles was forced to put his culinary skills to the test. There was the men to boys episode I believe, and that episode where Edwards was trying to ventilate the back of his skull with a .30 .30, but Laura was present in that one, so she might have did the cooking.

There was also the episode in which Charles moonlighted as a topless chef for lonely spinsters, but the business was short lived after he poked a clients eye out with one of those ginormous nips 😀


The last paragraph...OMG. 😂😂😂 Especially the part about the ginormous nips---ROFLMO




He cooked.
With his shirt off

