The guns of Zardoz

In the initial scene where Zardoz is spewing forth weapons, we see a great many guns, including the coolest gun to come out of the UK, the Sterling SMG. Yet I can't recall any character firing anything other than a bolt-action rifle or a revolver-no semi-autos or SMGs/LMGs.

John Boorman must have been trying to say something, but what?? That WWI-era weaponry was especially brutal??? Or does he just have an affinity for revolvers and old rifles??

This movie was made on a tight budget, perhaps they were saving money by only using two different sound effects and two different blank cartridges? Utilizing a Sterling, for instance, would entail a third sound effect and many, many more 9mm blank (?) or sub-caliber blanks fired.



The Sterling is WAY cooler than the SA-80, and probably a helluva lot more reliable, too.


I remember a quote from another Sean Connery movie, The Wind and the Lion, where Connery, as the Raisuli, says:

Men prefer to fight with swords, so they can see each other's eyes! Sometimes, this is not possible. Then, they fight with rifles. The Europeans have guns that fire many times promiscuously and rend the Earth. There is no honor in this - nothing is decided from this.

My surrogate sick pig: "What I tell you three times is true!"


A .45 cal. M1911 pistol would have been fine. Their bullets stopped even drugged, charging Filipino juramentados.


♫You can crush us
You can bruise us...♫
