MovieChat Forums > White Lightning (1973) Discussion > Deserves a Special Edition

Deserves a Special Edition

With a feature long commentary by Burt Reynolds. As far as I'm concerned (and I don't seem to be alone on this), this is the best film Burt Reynolds ever made (Run, Simon, Run --1970 was also pretty damn good and deserves a better looking edition than the one currently available). White Lightning deserves to be released in Widescreen with commentary and extra's. It is a tribute to the times, and to the depth and passion of Reynold's acting abilities when handed a good script. I could have done without the annoying flirty girl in the film, but somehow it all seems to work despite that and Reynolds truly dominate the screen throughout the whole movie.


This has always been my favorite Burt Reynolds film, with Deliverance in second place. I always like Reynolds playing drama better than comedy.

Other good Reynolds' movies when he is in his great actor mode instead of his fair comedian mode.
1. Sharky's Machine
2. Heat
3. Shamus
4. Hustle
5. The Longest Yard (the original)


Don't forget "Hooper"!
I really like the way his movies have Southern actors with Southern accents play Southern characters. Nothing irks me more than a fake Southern accent from somebody from either the Northeast USA or England. Gives me the willies.


Burt Reynolds did indeed prove himself capable of serious roles in this. I especially enjoyed the dark tone of the film, much darker than any Burt Reynolds film I've seen.

"What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss?"


Say AMEN somebody! I'd be happy if I could even get a widescreen version instead of the cropped one I have now. Burt really only had a very few starring roles that were in good movies, and for me this is by far the best.
Running up are Deliverance and The Longest Yard. Then there are all the other early 70s star vehicles (Hustle, Fuzz, etc) that were ok, but not great. Then we got the quick Smokey drop into complete crap.

But really, I would LOVE to get a WL Special Edition! I think that Deliverance and Yard are the only Burt features to get any respect on DVD so far.

I'd also like to see special editions of some Charles Bronson dvds--at least Death Wish (especially since so many movies out now are ripping it off).



This definatly needs a Widescreen DVD release, I have never seen this film or Gator and I would buy both on DVD if they'd release the WS copies... I've always wanted to see these films.
