MovieChat Forums > Walking Tall (1973) Discussion > Has anyone read the daughter's book?

Has anyone read the daughter's book? 5836


I did. It's a good book, but she's oddly oblivious to how her dad comes across in a few parts. Like, she talks about how Buford and a friend of his used to go drinking and then they'd drive around, and as a drunken "prank" they handcuffed a friend of theirs to a sign or something and then drove off and didn't come back for hours, and it was a cold night. She tried to portray this as just harmless down-home fun, but I was thinking, jeez, there's so much wrong with this. First, the sheriff is driving around in a high state of intoxication. Then, he's abusing his authority to play "pranks." Then, it's completely irresponsible to leave a guy locked up on the side of the road all night. Anyone (or anything - wild dogs, a bear, whatever) who came along could have done anything they wanted to him, if he didn't get sick from exposure first. But, other than some rather strange "are you sure you should be telling us this?" moments, and an admittedly-biased point of view (which I had no problem excusing because, hey, it's her dad), it's a good book. Couldn't put it down.

But the Buford Pusser museum also has a few things in it that seem oblivious to how they're coming across. One item in it is a pellet pistol, and the card next to it says that Buford used it when he was a kid -- he'd ride around on his bicycle, shooting dogs. All I thought when I saw that was, "Shooting dogs with a pellet pistol? Jeez, what an a-hole!" It's a totally weird museum, full of stuff like his Johnny Horton 8-track tapes, and a tee-shirt completely eaten by mildew that he signed for a kid once...


It was just a different time then. Not as much rules and regulations and PCism. I think people were used to being more personally laxed than authoritative. People sadly didn't always consider the consequences unless/until something bad actually happened.

The dog thing is terrible.

Thanks for the review. 


My wife ordered me one of the Pusser Sticks for Christmas back in '13, I hung it up in our 3 Season Porch. Nice people to deal with, but the inscription has all but worn off. I'm keeping it around, though, as you never know when you may need a good piece of Tennessee white hickory.
