Found Uncensored Scenes!!! layer (at 6:17)
- Full uncut scene of man with tap in neck! (00:03)
- Full scene of hammer in head, also more body parts shown on shelf! (2:13)
-Full scene of hand chopping!!

Signatures are for squares!



I could've done without the hand-chopping but the scene with the tap in the neck needs to be seen uncensored!




Bravo to the OP!!!!!


This movie would have been so much better with all of the original scenes intact. The current DVD is horrible. There's a bizarre freeze frame for a second in the first story with the vampires and several choppy cuts throughout the other stories. I want my money back!

Thank you for posting those links. Those gruesome scenes are what EC Horror comics were all about! I wish I could add them back to my copy of the movie on the DVD. Sheeesh!

"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


The uncut version is available, it's been shown several times on UK TV in a BFI (British Film Institute) fully restored version.


Buy the UK DVD. It is still available.


I watched the Vipco DVD last night and noticed that there is a lot of image missing from both sides. Is this also the case with the BFI version?


Thank-you poefan!


Thank you so much ! I just saw this movie today and the first cut - in my favorite tale - is especially stupid, I must say, since something was so obviously missing.


"Don't act, be !" (Kate Winslet)


To be honest, I always found the bizarre editing of the censored version added to the horror, almost like it was found footage or something. Maybe it's that thing of something being left to the imagination. And it was so weird, with the stills, I assumed it was how the director actually intended it.

I remember thinking the same when I saw Squirm - a scene where a guy's face is being eaten by worms, and the fact that it was so badly done made it all the more horrible. Don't ask me why!

Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!


Thank you. I saw this movie (very good) but when these specific scenes occurred instead appeared a still picture or photo.
Thank you again.
