MovieChat Forums > Ultimo tango a Parigi (1973) Discussion > im sorry but i found her VERYYY annoying...

im sorry but i found her VERYYY annoyingggggg

I get why the film so respected and admired, trust me I get it. For one, Marlond Brando is excellent. But I have to say her character was just so annoying! She wouldn't shut the hell up. Even after he told her countless times to do just that. I know I'm gonna get all these responses about how I'm ignorant, and all this other nonsense. I'm just voicing an opinion, that I'm SUREEE I'm not the only one who has. Her personality was just horrible. I don't even know how he could fall in love with her.


"She wouldn't shut the hell up. Even after he told her countless times to do just that."

I take it you have not spent much time around women.



They are too busy talking into kingdom come to listen to men's pleads of silence.

Oh, and the OP is an ignorant!
