
They should all be thrown into prison for making such a worthless and boring movie that had absolutely no redeaming value. They should be ashamed.


Please elaborate.

Sorry, I wasn't listening -- or thinking, whichever one applies.


What don meant to say was:
They should all be thrown into prison, AND THE KEY SHOULD BE THROWN AWAY, for making such a worthless and boring movie that had absolutely no redeaming value, AND MADE NO SENSE. They should be ashamed. Those who see it as beautiful need major medication.



Well, Bertolucci has spent some months in jail for this film.

- Who is God ?
- When you close your eyes and make a wish, God is the one who doesn't care about.


You are talking about what is without any doubt one of the half dozen greatest films of its era, and which contains, just as certainly, the single greatest piece of acting ever recorded on film.

The film is an unflinching stare into some of the darkest recesses of the human psyche. Those poor souls who think that cinema is for mindless entertainment won't get it, just as they won't get Bergman, Bresson, and a plethora of the greatest artists of the 20th Century - in ANY medium.

Time to grow up. Boring? No, thrilling beyond all but two or three movies that have been made in the last decade. A film made by a poet of the cinema who was firing on all cylinders.


'Wisdom would be to see life, really see, that would be wisdom.' JLG.


I thought it was as far from borning as you could get.


Yeah, but you're talking about a generation that finds anything boring that doesn't have MTV-style quicks cuts, fart jokes and other assorted bathroom humor, or films that aren't designed along the lines of a video games or amusement park rides.


Honestly the movie bored me to tears, but really why is it that every time someone says they don't like this movie someone quips with "clearly these people are too young to understand it and all they like is bathroom humor." I'm 17 and i didn't enjoy this movie. Just because I'm young doesn't mean that the only movies that excite me have Dane Cook and bathroom humor.


Marlon was cracking plenty of bathroom humor.... Oh, and this movie is GROSSLY overrated. If you want to see a movie "exploring the cavernous recesses of the human psyche" I would recommend starting off with 21 Grams, Mystic River, and Havoc.

This movie was a POS! Not even the sex was decent!



Wow, you're not as clever as you think you are.




but really why is it that every time someone says they don't like this movie someone quips with "clearly these people are too young to understand it and all they like is bathroom humor."

well.. someone above you said that whoever enjoyed this needs treatment or something like that. So hy not reply and say Whoever Didn't enjoy it is a little kid with no brains? and will probably never grow up, and will never be able to appreciate or Understand!!

And if that little poor miserable thing had the ability to elaborate and say anything meaningful, as to what he Didn't like about the film, I mean real words and phrases put together to construct some meaningful analysis of the film, then one would take the time to discuss his views in a different way.

But if one leaves a museum show of Picasso, and say Hell, my 7 year old could do better... then... it's not an Opinion nor a point of view to discuss.. this is simply Ignorance!! and I will not waste my time to discuss with some fool whether Picasso is a better artist than his retarded 7 year old or not!!!!

And so when someone shouts Boring, Put them in Jail.. the only thing I can think of is look at him in despise. Someone else might even feel like spitting on them and leave.

Thank you!


You didn't enjoy the film because it is not on a surface level 'enjoyable' - it is a tragedy... like Macbeth. One doesn't enjoy tragedies, but one is given a fuller insight into the human condition by them... the great ones, at any rate.
I sincerely hope that you give it another try, and consider the possibility that the Paintings be Francis Bacon which frame the opening credits are representations of two very sick psyches... those of the two central characters.

'Wisdom would be to see life, really see, that would be wisdom.' JLG.


I thought it was fantastically boring. I agree with some of the above posters - just because there's a Brando and Bertolucci combination, that doesn't mean it's going to be a great film.

I prefer the Dreamers over this, and that's saying something because that wasn't a great film either.


I think it's a good but vastly overrated film. What exactly makes this film so great? Yes, Brando does some good acting and the sexual journey itself is interesting but most of the time his character is making no sense and Schneider's character reacts as if he was indeed making sense. I mean, she sees the guy on her way to the apartment, later she finds the same guy in a fetal position at the exact same apartment she was checking out (coincidence?), the guy proceeds to combine some mumbling with a few coherent words while averting his eyes from her in a very suspicious manner, then calmly shuts the door and rapes- I mean, takes her and has sex with her, Schneider reacts to this as if it was the most natural thing in the world for a man clearly deranged to do as he pleases with her, and in fact rejoices the experience so much she comes back for seconds, thirds and keep counting. Then, by the end she accepts the marriage proposal from her boyfriend, but the bf doesn't like the apartment so she tells Brando that she is in love with him, they have a good time making fools of themselves on the dance floor and then, out of the blue, she decides that this is all wrong and they should stop seeing each other because, umm, because he is acting sooo different from before? (I don't think so) So she runs from him for what seems like hours (nighttime when the chase starts, daytime when it ends), he is getting crazier by the second and finally she does the one sensible thing in the whole movie, and puts that mad dog to sleep.

So how can a movie that forces its way into the premise and blunders its way out of it be considered WITHOUT ANY DOUBT one of the half dozen greatest films of its era?

Now, I have read that it was originally a four hour cut, so I'm willing to concede that perhaps that cut manages to clean up the movie, but if that's so then the version I watched is decidedly horrible cut that doesn't do justice to "one of the top six films of the 1970's".


You're right. I understand you, just because Brando is in it, it doesn't make a good movie, bad acting, really, X rated? JA!, bad sex scenes, butter rape: desgusting, I'm 37 years old and I never had the oportunity to saw the film, I regret it, incoherency, They are bad movies that I liked it, but this is a overrated movie and performance that I don't like it.


I had heard many mixed reviews about the film before watching it. I think I enjoyed it because I focused on everything the film was instead of everything it wasn't. Some think that it's disgusting, some find the film overrated, and some believe it to be a masterpiece. I thought none of those things. Yes it's graphic, but (and this is just my opinion) not in a disgusting way. No I don't think the film is a masterpiece, but I also don't find it overrated because I found it to be a very moving work. It's all just a matter of personal preference really. I personally did not find the film boring.


I can understand people who find this film boring, but that is because I believe they don't know what the film is really about. A guy who wants a filthy, dirty, sordid relationship after the death of his wife, then ends up falling in love. That's a great story.


Hey, I haven't seen this and I keep seeing hype about the butter scene...what happens in that scene to draw so much attention?

~You sound like a country song. If you had a dog, he'd be run over by now.~


Nothing really happens, thats what makes it so stupid. There is no exposure, just facial expressions. it was almost a throwaway scene.



Awful film, just awful.

ugh... was about go on a rant, but I'm just not going to... skip the film. It's *beep*

chewing gum is like having sex with a young girl you don't care for... once the flavor is gone, you throw it out. WOW genius....

MB was aweful!!!!!!!! that's not acting. It's not acting that is exactly how his personality is in real life... he just showed up and read lines. Lord

Don't see the film


i hate when folks tell when a film is boring, it says more about the person.



No, this film is overrated....i saw it for the first time yesterday and to my eyes, it looks very wrinkled and impressed audiences in 1972 but now it shows its pretentiousness.....

My opinion. And believe me, I have seen lots and lots of screen masterpieces, with existential themes and so on....( Bergman, anyone?).

I also liked Bertolucci's 'the Conformist' very much....but this one......totally overhyped, overrated.

In the age of, it can't impress like it did, some four decades ago.


I suppose this isn't really a direct response to hakopt's post, however I felt compelled to juxtapose my positive view of the movie with one of the more recent negative views, at least to be able to give a bit of balance to the arguement.

Onto my point though: I don't think this is the type of movie that you see purely for enjoyments sake, but rather to try and take a close look into the nature of people's relationships, love in particular being of interest. Many of the scenes are a bit gruesome and unsettling, but I did not feel that anything was done out of pretension or in an effort to merely shock the audience. Although some of the actions of the characters were reprehensible, and some of the dialogue at first glance might seem boring and unecessary (I do not think this, but I do see how others could), everything was done with a very acute sense of realism and honesty. It was an unflinching, unpretentious close examination of some very real questions about the nature of peoples closest types of relationships. If this is something you are interested in understanding, I think this is a movie that will intrigue and interest you; if you aren't really too curious to begin with and are just looking for an entertaining movie this probably is not it.

What interests me most is the examination of love as a purely one sided emotion, it is a driving need in one person that does not care particularly about the object it is directed at. It looks at relationships in society as something completely separate, and tragically embodied by this almost insurmountable gap that exists between people. It amazes me, in this movie and in real life, just how little people can know about eachother even after years of supposedly loving them and having a close relationship with them. How little some people really know about themselves and what they really need, and the lies and misrepresentations and illusions that necessarily embody our everyday interations.

Paul is sickened by these lies, having spent a good deal of his life and his emotions with a woman who he suddenly finds out was never really as close to him as he thought; they were almost strangers to eachother even though they were married and had loved one another. On the opposite side of the spectrum, despite Paul and Jeannes desperate attempts to circumvent these lies by never knowing anything about eachother outside of that room, they do in fact fall in love with one another, at least with what each of them means to eachother. Then, once they introduce certain realities to eachother and try to have a normal loving relationship, they realise that even then they are still complete strangers to one another, and we see the tragic turn that takes.

Not many great books and movies take a really grown-up look at what relationships and love are really like, however I think this is one of those movies which goes to great lengths to show, albeit with a series of rather exaggerated events, the many layers of complex things that go on in love and relationships. Some of the things which go on here may seem unreal to us, but if you think about it they aren't really as far removed from everyday life as we may like. People enter relationships all the time barely knowing the person, having a completely made up sense of who they are, and loving that illusion for years with no clue that the person is anything other than what they think. Other people are in relationships only for what they get out of it, and don't really care who gives it to them. This movie takes a very good look at some of the real challenges which exists in trying to really know and love a person, especially when that person doesn't even really know themself.


It was slow in the beginning and in some parts where she describes her childhood.


Haha, hakopt, I cast my vote with you. This movie is terribly boring. Every time I try to sit through it, I end up turning it off or falling asleep.


I find these threads (it sucks.. its great) the most trite form of discussion on this great site, but nonetheless i have to put my singular cent in.

While watching, I thought of Bande a part when Arthur in the car says something to the effect of "Why must two people always be two people, why cant they be one." It is this longing to not be alone that propels people. But you can spend 500 years with someone and still be alone in some ways. the two most universal characteristics of humans are fear and laziness. I think it is a abundance of different fears that prevent someone else from fully knowing you.

Someone above said, a grieving widow who wants to *beep* his pain away, and a gorgeous damsel looking to feel young again, fall in love with strangers. Now that is a story. I love that phrase, and I couldn't agree more. It is human nature to want which doesn't want us. It's why *beep* get the girls, and why Paul cant keep jeanne once he's fallen in love. It's a sad, but immensely real story that deserves to be shown. Laws are just the rules of our slavery written down, right?

I'm a 21 year old guy. Sex is pretty much all I think about. but you have to get over the "sex" scenes, there important as a view into the dark thoughts of the characters, but there not the purpose of the film. I wasn't alive when the thing came out, but it sounds like whole world knows of a butter scene, but few cared to make up their own mind about the film.

on another random, note. I love the stranger theme in films. This one touches on a few like names as labels and the temptation to lie. couple years ago I came to the realization that I love strangers. In strange lands, I tell strange stories, to strange people. ha






Well I'm a woman and I found it just as much a female jerk-off fantasy. The movie was both beautiful and poignant. The only part that sucked was the very ending. But the movie in total, even in its heterosexuality, was still erotic, emotionally pulling, the pace was brilliant, the cinematography,...I couldn't find anything to not like. The contrast of the two protagonists is what propelled it. She was so soft and vulnerable and he was so rough and unpredictable. Given the passion/s shown, it wouldn't have mattered, man or woman, it's the very contrast in characterization and desires that drives the plot. Loved it, and I found it not only a physical turn on fantasy film, but it also grappled with my mind and that duality is part of what makes this so exceptional.

Sic vis pacem para bellum.


Agreed. Just saw this movie and the only good thing about it was the chicks tits and bush.

RetardoArona-gone but not forgotten. Nvr4get. Send me your thoughts on this unjust tragedy.
