
Does anyone know the name of the song when Cinderella is riding to the ball! It is Karel Gott wo is singing! Please help me!!
Does anyone know the lyrics to the song! Can somebody please posed it here! Im desperate!
Thanks ;)


This is "Kdepak ty, ptáčku, hnízdo máš?" ("Where do you have a nest, bird?") and it is by Karel Gott.

Lyrics in Czech:

Combined (Vzech and English) translation:

Kdepak ty ptáčku hnízdo máš
Where do u, little bird,have the nest (like question)
skrýš a zázemí
Hiding place and rear
vždyť ještě léčky málo znáš
Well , u still know snares just a little
málo zdá se mi.
A little , It seems to me

Hej, břízo bílá, skloň se níž,
Hey , white birch, bend lower down
dej ptáčku náruč svou a skrýš
Give to little bird your arms and hiding place
já pak můžu jít a v duši klid
Then i can go and peace in soul
můžu pak mít.
i can have (the peace)

Kdepak ty ptáčku hnízdo máš,
Where do u, little bird,have the nest
kam dnes půjdeš spát
Where are u going to sleep tonight
až sníh a mráz dá loukám plášť
as far as snow and frost put to meadowland cloak
sám se začnu bát
alone i start to afraid

Hej, břízo bílá, skloň se níž,
Hey , white birch, bend lower down
dej ptáčku náruč svou a skrýš
Give to little bird your arms and hiding place
já pak můžu jít a v duši klid
Then i can go and peace in soul
můžu pak mít.
i can have (the peace)


This song is just plain beautiful! I get teary-eyed everytime I see this part of the film.

- Who's the lady with the log?
- We call her the Log Lady.

