Luau (Last Segment)

I know I saw I scene this movie where the girls head was on a platter at the Luau I know I saw it he lifts it up after sampling the meat very grainy but I know I saw it.

Anyone else see this?


Certainly not in the version on YouTube.

Since Kimo's crazy old mother told Kimo he must commit the sacrifice in secret so nobody would suspect him it doesn't make much sense for him to leave the head lying around.


The cover of the DVD features a girl's head on a platter, but I assumed it was supposed to be a figurative, "come-hither" kind of cover. (The head is screaming in a sort of cartoonish way too, so not that realistic).

It might have made more sense as to why the mother lost her mind - after they had all partaken of the feast, the head is produced and she realises what she has done.

I wonder if you're thinking of The House That Dripped Blood, the DVD cover of which also features a head on a platter (Peter Cushing's, inaccurately!) that also features in the story?
