Separate beds

It unusual but pretty telling that Rita and Harry sleep in separate beds, even when they stay in hotels. That's something you rarely see with married couples (as well as unmarried ones) in movies made after the '50s. I assume this is Rita's choice.


The use of separate beds was really effective and key in reflecting Rita's aloofness; how she just shut down from everything.


This is the one case where I thought it was suitable.

It is unnatural, but that highlights the division in their relationship and Rita's isolation.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


Separate beds = unnatural?!

That's definitely not true! Couples sleep in separate beds (even separate bedrooms) for a number of reasons. One might be a restless sleeper who disturbs the sleep of the other person. One might work on a different shift than the other. Or, one person might need completely different conditions (ex.: needing soft vs. hard mattress).

Separate is an acceptable choice and is not "unnatural" at all! In this film, it can be a way to show her problem(s). But, it serves a far different purpose for many people.

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC


Exactly. Life as lived in reality has nothing do with the Hollywood movie conduct.
