Brave New World

After watching this several times, I keep on getting the feeling that this movie somewhat spoofs Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. It is not in the spoofs list on IMDB, but does anybody else get this feeling?

The "Orb" in the movie is very similar to the soma taken in Brave New World, the government control, as well as the underground being like a "savage reservation" also stand out to me as spoofing Brave New World.


I'm sure Allen used every dystopian text he could get ahold of as source material for Sleeper.


I can see that but I got a more 1984 feel out of it, what with the all the mind altering. But now that I think about it 1984 was very prudish while this film was quite free love. I guess it is somewhat inspired by both and probably many others as the previous post suggests.

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In Aldous Huxley's dystopian novel [i[Brave New World[/i], Soma is drug which is employed by the government as a method of control through pleasure and immediate availability. It is ordinary among the culture of the novel for everyone to use it for whatever various practices: sex, relaxation, concentration, confidence. It is seemingly a single-chemical combination of many of today's drugs' effects, giving its patients the full hedonistic spectrum.


This is a spoof of an H.G. Wells story called The Sleeper Wakes.


That is where the title comes from for shore but that is not were the parodies end my friend.

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Brave New World meets "1984", interpreted by Harold Lloyd.
