MovieChat Forums > Sleeper (1973) Discussion > Other sleeper movies - Help!

Other sleeper movies - Help!

I watched a film a while ago about someone (possibly 2 small time crooks?)cryogenically frozen who wake up 30 or so years later and have problems readjusting with their families. I think it was set in New mexico, possibly Taos. Can't rememeber its name or anyone in it but I'd like to find it. Can you help?


You may be thinking of Flight of the Navigator, it is about a boy who takes a short cut to pick up his brother through the wood and gets lost and when he gets back it is 20 or 30 years later and he has trouble adjusting to his family. Then the alien's that abducted him call him back and he goes on this awesome journey around the world and through space and time. It is technically a kids movie but can be enjoyed by people of all ages, I am not sure if this is the movie you were thinking of but I would definitely recommend it if you are into the concept of lost time, and 70s + 80s movies featuring futuristic technology.

Best Amazing Race Ever


You Might be thinking of the Philedelphia Experiment. About two Navy Men from World war II that get caught in a time warp and wind up 40 years later in the 80s. The 1st place they are seen in the future is in the desert. Around Arizona or Texas.


"Just Imagine" where a character is "put on ice in 1930 and awakes in 1980, "Itocracy" where a charater awakes and finds he's the smartest man on earth, because everyone is so stupid and I'm sure there are others.
Just remember: I was as good as any and better than most-Vincent Freeman in Gattaca


'Idiocracy' is a very underrated Mike Judge film about a man who wakes up 500 years after being frozen and discovers that he has the highest IQ in the world.

There's also the *masterpiece* that is 'Demolition Man'.


Rachael: Do you mind if I smoke?
Deckard: It won't affect the test.


...Yeah, I almost forgot about "Demolition Man". That was certainly a "sleeper movie" although I remember it more for what it said about a possible nanny state future.

Just remember: I was as good as any and better than most-Vincent Freeman in Gattaca


The movie you're looking for is "Late for dinner" and it's a 90's movie.
