Do you think...

that this movie could be remade? I'm not pro re-makes but the premise and sick plot of this movie could be interesting if well done in these days.

The exploitation fever is getting popular in these days, so a new version of "The Sinful Dwarf" wouldn't harm.

Or what a about a new low budget Dwarfsploitation movie?

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


the film was disturbing!!!

Bullshyt MR han-man!!


I highly doubt a studio would even back a remake of this type of movie.

Even if one did, it would be PG-13 and have a twist ending


So many things only made sense because the movie was set in the early 1970s. Can you imagine any living situation where one room has an open toilet in the main room such as the attic? Now there are such things as building codes and laws about sanitation conditions. Today, hardly any stand alone toy stores exists and there are stronger searches for drugs carried by travelers.

I hope there aren't a lot of young women as painfully stupid as Mary.

Some things would still be relevant today.
- drunk friends who hang out amusing each other all day
- a former entertainer who uses any excuse to jump into her costumes and belt out a song
- young women kept drugged so others could make money off their bodies
- customers who don't mind having sex with young women kept drugged out of their mind. women who can't consent and may be too out of it to know what's going on.

As bad as Olaf and his mother were, their customers were 80 times more sleazy.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.



This film doesn't need a remake; it's fine the way it is.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Directed by Tom Six
