meagre subtitling

Just watched on TCM. Frequently, there would be ten minutes of rapid exchange of dialogue..accompanied by one five-word English phrase. I often felt I was barely getting the gist of certain important moments, because the subtitles were so subpar. I don't want a brief summation of the words. I want to know the words they are saying! As close to verbatim translation as possible. Couldn't take away from the film's power, but it was frustrating.


On top of that it looked like curse words were blurred out in the subtitles. Not that I wanted to see it, but the husband's butt was blurred out when he changed. I guess they showed a TV edited version. Any idea if the Criterion theatrical version is edited like this? I would expect the TV episodes to be edited, but the film version unedited. In other countries that might not be edited out for TV for all I know. TCM doesn't edit though.



Not to mention the typos. At the beginning of the film, there's a typo every few minutes. I vividly remember seeing "mariage," "certian," and "fulgar" within the first ten minutes alone.


Can't believe TCM is still showing it with these subtitle issues. You'd think a film as famous as this would get better treatment.


The subtitle issues really took away from the enjoyment of the movie. Too many errors and there was a lot of dialog that wasn't subtitled. I felt that it made it hard to appreciate some of the underlying emotion in the movie.


I completely agree! I'm watching the movie version, that came on TCM, right now (about 3/4 the way through), and I wanted to look at the message board for it to see if there was anyone else that was talking about the subtitles... I know there has to be a lot of dialogue that is not being translated, and it's frustrating me because of exactly what you said... Annoying... Really LOVE it though so far!!!

With unexpected life twists, "just keep swimming!"


What does "MEAGRE" mean?


I absolutely agree, as well! The frequent misspellings and the patches of dialogue that receive only cursory subtitling are completely bewildering in a film this famous. Some company needs to acquire the rights to this and commit to a complete re-subtitling of this still undeniably powerful movie. It's a shame that a classic of this magnitude should feature one of the worst subtitling jobs I've ever witnessed, and I've seen hundreds of foreign language films.
