The title

This is one of my favorite titles I have ever seen on any film. It is so simple, yet so creative. I don't know if I would've watched this film if it weren't for the interesting title, but I'm glad I did. Does anyone else agree?

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


I agree, since it isn't a title you speak, but hiss!


HAHA yes I remember seeing this in video store years ago and we were all laughing at the stupid title.

Realism, Remakes and Unnecessary Sequels are ruining movies!


Though I love the title, I always avoid bringing up the movie in conversations. I would feel silly actually saying the title to someone for fear they would look at me like I was crazy for hissing at them. It's still a brilliant movie, though.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!


Gee, are we on the Batman bandwagon?

"You can't kill the Boogeyman."
- Tommy Doyle


I remember when it was on Creature Features, the title blended in perfectly with the show's theme.
I recommend pronouncing the title ess ess ess ess ess ess ess, hehe.

"You can't kill the Boogeyman."
- Tommy Doyle


Reposting something from years ago, since it's buried on page 3:

I remember watching this on TV as a kid. It gave me nightmares, but the most frustrating thing to this day is explaining the title. Here's a transcript of me telling my friend about it the day after I first saw it:

Me: I saw this movie on TV last night called Sssssss.

Friend: Star Wars?

Me: No, the movie was just called Sssssss.

Friend: Star Wars?

Me: NO! This isn't a guessing game. The movie was just called Sssssss!


How funny. 

I remember seeing a while ago someone posted on here the movie was once played on TV and the announcer said "coming up next, Seven S's"


That's funny, I like that. A co worker was telling me about a movie she saw in the 70s on tv and how much it scared her, so I researched her description and found it. No wonder she couldn't remember the name!
There wasn't anything particularly bad about it, just wasn't anything special. A curiosity, really. I'm glad I watched it.


I was telling a co-worker about it today. I said there was a movie from the 70's called ssssssssssssssss (I don't know how long to hold the hiss sound). Surprisingly he understood right away.
