Blu Ray?

I have loved this movie for many decades now, and was thrilled when it finally arrived on DVD! The next logical step, I hope, is a Blu Ray release. I wonder if Universal feels this particular movie is worth the effort....


Glad to hear that it's at LEAST on DVD. It very well could come out on Blu-Ray. Seems that lately, one of the things studios are doing is to re-release films to the next viewing upgrades, even though there is little difference in how it looks. Plus, they also try to sweeten the deal by adding even more deleted scenes, and add new commentaries with the actors now.

Either way, I'll be buying this flick wherever and in the best upgrade it's currently in. Not because they're great films, but it's fun to watch them with friends and laugh at what used to scare us and mute the volume and do our own dialogue.


I'm content with my DVD copy and don't own a Blu-Ray player myself though I do have access to one from a family member. But I would like it to be released on BD for other people to have. I know many people no longer use DVDs and are strictly Blu-Ray only now so it would be great to allow them to have a copy.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!


Not likely.

Like many forgotten older films, there is no HD transfer available, and no one wants to spend several thousand dollars on one.
Unfortunately, there are quite a few titles that may never see an HD release.

As for discs, they're going the way of the buffalo.
Grab them while you can, as many will never be reissued.


Blu ray coming from Shout factory in 2016


That's good news.

Likely happened because in 2015 an HD transfer is a must in order to be broadcast on any service. The disc release won't sell many but that revenue is just gravy.
