unedited version?

Is there an unedited/uncut version of this movie available for viewing?


I have a VHS copy with 87 min runtime.

IMDB says it's 89min so I guess I have the cut version?

I really don't know and haven't seen it yet! Maybe I'll be able to give better info later


I've asked a number of people about this, and no one really seems to know if the missing footage (read: scenes cut by the distributor) exist anywhere anymore. It's quite possible that they've been lost in the archives of time, which would be a real shame.


I got the cut version

I hope this gets a dvd release some day

'Lick my plate, you dog dick!'


The running time of a video - or for that matter a TV screening - is not usually the same as the running time of the film if it is projected. e.g. in the UK and many other places the film projection speed is 24 frames per second, the TV/video standard is 25fps. So an average length film runs approx 3-5 minutes shorter on TV or Video without any cuts.
