Motive? *spoilers*

Maybe I missed something, but was a motive ever revealed for Marguerite's mother and grandmother changing her sex and raising her as a girl? The only possible motive I can think of is that they both hate men, after their experience with Marguerite's father.


No lenlarga I don't believe you missed a thing you are right on target . That's what I thought as well . It seems very sad because Marguerite / Aaron was the one who definitely suffered most of all for the actions of a family with mixed up views on how to raise a child . When it was the husband they were truly angry with and should have worked it out with him instead of taking it out on Marguerite / Aaron . Also it wasn't the father's fault completely but he should have been more involved in the very beginning of his son's life to prevent this whole incident from happening in the first place . All of this aside of course it still makes for a very intriguing storyline just the same ( a very good movie overall ) . Thanks lenlarga for your subject post .



I agree DemonicDan . It is a very sad and traumatic film . That's what I also suspected was in those little bottles too ( of course it took me a second showing to put that one together lol kept missing the key dialogue on some of that stuff ) . Once we have seen the entire film though it all totally fits into place . This is definitely a film we have to watch more than just once . There is just so much going on with it dialogue wise especially . Plus I found the volume level for this film to seem very low no matter how much I turned up the volume on my TV . The characters seemed to speak in a whisper most of the time . Excellent movie though for 1973 and it gets better with every viewing . Definitely a popcorn late night flick .
