TCM showing -- title???

I think I need a major reality check!

So, I watched this movie last night on TCM and, granted, I was a little tired at the beginning, but -- did the title NOT ever appear on-screen??? I thought I was looking at the screen all the time during the credits, but I swear I didn't see the title appear!

I had to have missed it, right? On the other hand, with there being so many alternate titles and versions of this cheap little grade-D flick, it wouldn't be *too* surprising if they actually released a print without a title on it!

The movie, by the way, is effin' horrible. I *love* trash movies, but, the combination of this one being so badly made and the often cavalier way in which the repeated rapes of Uggams' character were treated made it unenjoyable trash for me.

It was especially discouraging to see great character actors like Slim Pickins and Dub Taylor in such ugliness.

The only real saving grace was that the story was constructed so haphazardly (again, a real possibility with multiple versions of the movie in existence), that at times I was able to tell myself I wasn't sure the movie was saying that some of the multiple rapes (any of them?) actually happened!!!





So, did you see whether or not there was a title on-screen at any point in the movie?

Inquiring minds want to know!!!

And isn't Night of the Hunter great? I didn't watch it after Poor Pretty Eddie, but, I've seen it several times. Big Winters fan, big Big BIG Mitchum fan. It's pretty much a masterpiece; as so many have commented before, it's a real shame the poor reception to the film scared Laughton permanently away from directing.



TCM is showing it again this Friday. I'm going to have to DVR this to see what it's all about.

"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"


That's why I am here this morning. TCM aired it again last night and I couldn't find the title anywhere! I thought maybe it would be shown after the director's name or maybe at the very end but nope. Never saw it. So if you didn't see it in '09 then it was definitely left out.



Thanx! I totally forgot I'd even asked this question, or I would've watched the beginning of the movie again last night... maybe even tried to catch the closing credits if I was still up and not preoccupied with something else...

I'm a little upset that TCM reruns its seasons (or at least this season) of Underground. It's not like they need to film new intros with a host for each selection; and I've got to believe there are plenty of affordable, available "underground-y" flicks they could show year-round. They really should treat us to a new flick or two every Friday night/Saturday morning, no excuse! Still, I guess it gives us chances to watch again to catch things like this, catch ones we missed, tape ones we liked but didn't tape the first time around...



I saw the film in May 2010 on TCM and recorded it and there is no title anywhere in the picture. Also it clocked in at just under 1:26 (86min.) considerably shorter than the IMDB timing, so I wonder just which version Turner showed?


TCM says they show movies uncut, uneditted, but with a flick like this, how does that even apply? There have been so many versions of the thing -- since before TCM got ahold of it!!!



I've checked multiple sources and all had a running time of 92 minutes. If someone has a copy of the DVD, please let us know what the printed running time is.

Also, is it possible that the VHS tape that was released in the 80's contains extra footage?


The now out of print DVD released in 2005 by 905 Entertainment runs 82 minutes, which matches the running time listed on the box. The film's title does appear on the print itself (NOT electronically superimposed) as Poor Pretty Eddie. Video quality is poor but print looks fairly clean. MPAA's R symbol appears on the box.
