father and daughter

I had no idea that they were actually father and daughter in real life but it was a pleasant suprise. The genuine emotions of the relationship really permeated through in the movie.


yeah....to do an 'angry scene" all she had to do was to look at Ryan and think "This moron named me "Tatum"

But seriously...this is a flawless terrific movie. I havent seen it in years, but will rent it very soon.


Why do you say that? Does he hit her? (I haven't seen it)


He does not hit her in the movie, but, according to Tatum's new book A PAPER LIFE, when dad found out she was Oscar nominated and he was not, he sucker punched in the face. Nice dad!


He's a turd.


Imagine being jealous of your own daughter. O'Neal should have been happy for Tatum and her talent and success at such a young age. Instead he was full of animosity for her. He also said his film Barry Lyndon would beat out her film, Bad News Bears, and make more money. Her film beat his and he was jealous once again. She has since stated their relationship is still bad.


What a scumbag!

_ _ _

"Why spend your life making someone else's dreams come true?"

-- Ed Wood, the movie



i don't think that ryan is capable of love. he only loves himself. he loves farrah for what he gets from the relationship. i can't stand the man. if you ever get a chance to read her book "a paper life" pls do, it's very good.


no familiymember of hers came with her to the oscars. That is soo unbelievable.

My father as well sold me and my mother, but that is another story. I am always surprised when I hear stories like hers (I am about to read the book) and when I think of my own story, to what fathers and of course mothers are capable. But the oscar story is quite amazing, that something like that is possible.


Really? He did that? Sounds twisted.

Of course, we don't know his side of the events. Maybe he meant it as a joke? She might have embellished the story to sell her book


Believe women.


Even if you didn't notice watching the opening credits that the first two cast members both had the last name O'Neal, look at Ryan and Tatum side by side in this movie...the resemblence is startling...Tatum looks like Ryan just spit her out one day. I have rarely seen a father and daugher who looked more alike. Which is why all of the scenes where Moze is so admantly denying that he is Addie's father so funny.



"Tatum looks like Ryan just spit her out one day."

I am literally laughing. That sounds so funny ha



Ryan O'Neal should be hung by his @!#$% and left to twist out in the wind. I never did care much for him. I always thought he was an egotistical hypocrite!

By the way I just finished watching Paper Moon on TCM about a half-hour past. Not bad for a nostalgic '70's picture. I thought P.J. Johnson's character was funny, too.


i know they are father daughter in real like but the movie never clarifies if thy are father daughter in the film. Are they?

I love those moments..I like to wave at them as a they pass by." _The Captain
