What was that?

I just watched this great movie for the first time last night and I have one probably stupid question. When Connery is driving home from the station and he is having all of those flashbacks of things he has seen, there is one image that I can't make out at all what it is. It looks like it is a broken car windshield and there is something behind it??? I rewound and paused that part over and over....even walked up to the TV and I still couldn't decipher what that was. Please help and be kind if it is really obvious.


If I remember rightly, there's been a car crash and you see an injured passenger.


Еhe shot you're reffering to is definitely of a woman that hurt herself in a carcrash. These shots really helped the movie, witch is basically a double feature of "2 Angry Men"


I wouldn't say this film is closely connected to Twelve Angry Men.


It's referred to in his litany to his wife ('here's a list of things I've seen that have traumatised me') - one of them is a car crash where he says something like 'the woman went through the windscreen, the man hit the steering wheel'


I thought for sure you were asking about the one flashback I think I saw but I'm not sure about .... You didn't so I have to ask:

Wasn't there one flashback in which it appears to me at least, to be a cop administering street justice by throwing a man off a roof top ?
I know a similar event happened in NYC back in the 60s or 70s (or so I was told) and wonder if Lumet used that story to fit into his ?
And if I'm correct, then Johnson conveniently left that one little tidbit off his laundry list of on the job horrors he'd witnessed over the years and I'm guessing also that it was Johnson who threw the perp off the building.
Or, if we are seeing what Johnson saw/witnessed through his (Johnsons) eyes, then this means he witnessed a fellow officer commit murder. That he didn't describe this to his wife would mean he witnessed it but did not report the incident (an example of the 'thin blue line') ?
I've only seen the movie 3 times and didn't notice this until the 2nd viewing. I watched it carefully the other night and was sure that what I saw confirmed what I suspected on the 2nd viewing.
Maybe I just didn't 'get it'...
Anyone ??
