MovieChat Forums > The Mack (1973) Discussion > One of the best Blaxploitation movies

One of the best Blaxploitation movies

"The Mack" is one of the best Blaxploitation movies ive seen. It's like the real deal, it's right up there with other Blaxploitation movies like:

Super Fly
Black Caesar
And some may not consider "Across 110th Street" a Blaxploitation picture but i do and i think it's appropriate for this list.


Add "Trouble Man" and you've got my list.

"Do you ever get down on your knees and thank God you know me and have access to my dementia?"


Ive seen "Trouble Man", i enjoyed that one. It makes the list.



Check out "Willie Dynamite," and of course "Dolemite."


I gotta go with Trouble Man too. A definite classic. Add Gordon's War and Black Samson and my list in complete.


I didn't see those two. Any good?


this is a good one, and one of the best

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


That list is almost a carbon copy of mine!

The Mack
Trouble Man
JD's Revenge

Just got The Mack today on DVD to replace my old worn out copy. Good documentary on there (although it's pretty irritatingly put together). Shame there's no trailer.

"I know it and you know it. Yellow Dog doesn't even know what town he's in."


Thats the disapointment about the dvd. On the back of the cover it says there's a trailer but there isn't. Talk about false advertising.


Speaking of the trailer; I saw it awhile ago on "you tube";
It was connected to a lot of other trailers from the 70's,
"Cool Breeze" - it's been so long I forgot the rest but
I saw it and it's short and sweet!

Miss. T


Great, thanks for the info Miss. T


This is certainly one of the better blaxploitation films. If it had better continuity between scenes, it could have been the best one. Every scene change just seemed abrupt to me. But the performances are way above the standard blaxploitation fare, and the music (as you'd expect) is superb.


add the spook who sat by the door and the education of sonny carson

From a nickel and dime a@@ figga,to a top black ballin big rigga...B-Legit

