Why such a stupic comment

Why IMDB chose such a stupid comment to be the first one people got to read when come to this page. To say this movie is awful and Neil Diamond songs are silly the guy who wrote the comment is so far from understand the movie. He did not like it, that's his right, but that IMDB got it as first choice...

"It's all about small stuff. You know, small lies, small mistakes."


its irritating isnt it.

The reviewers on amazon bug the hell out of me too.


I think the order is based on that:

"11 out of 14 people found the following comment useful"

11/14 that's 79%, the higher the percentage of appreciation, the higher your comment ranks.


This album DID go platinum, and was overwhelmingly successful, unlike the movie; I really think Neil took the whole thing very seriously and spiritually, but the producers of the movie just didn't really give a crap; it's pretty obvious; you'd be better off reading the book while listening to the soundtrack. IMHO, of course.



You could prob read the Entire book while listening to the CD or Tape. Havn't done that in years. Need to dig out this book was always one of my Favorite Books in High School.

Q: How does Soylent Soda taste?
A: It varies from person to person.


I agree totally. Everyone needs to be aware that any review or comment from any film "critic" is only their opinion. Look beyond the rating/review and you will be surprised more often than not.

"You don't find the time; you make the time."
