Inspired by Hellstroms Hive ?

I noticed it came out the same year as Frank Herbert's awesome Sci Fi horror novel.There are some similarities in the story
too such as the little bits of documentary on social insects.'s_Hive


Although there are similarities between this and Hellstroms Hive, there are too many differences to convince me.

For one thing the Bee girls in the movie are infertile while in HH the females are very fertile and in fact used to introduce fresh DNA into the colony.

There is no real indication of a hive mentality or living as in a hive structure.

The deaths in HH are purely the result of a reaction to the pheromone rather than as a result of the reproductive act itself.

In HH the generation of workers, etc were as a result of an internal breeding program rather than converting outsiders.

IN HH the only humans in the hives were being used as reproductive prosthesis.
That is just a few of the differences that I feel indicate that the movie and the book are just co-incidences.


We don't know for certain that the bee girls are infertile. All the action takes place over the course of a few weeks at the most.


The other criticism I've heard about this movie is that, contrary to what Susan Harris says, the queen bee has sex multiple times. Quite often she has only one mating flight though.

However, I think for whatever reason, that Susan Harris is deliberately lying to the investigator. It seems that she would be the very first bee girl. Also she has probably had sex again when she's wearing sunglasses waiting for the new recruit.

Then she has sex a third time when she kills the scientist.

I'm not sure why she would lie, nor why the investigator would ask the question. Perhaps she is trying to throw him off the trail; "she's an idiot - she doesn't even know how often a queen bee mates. How could she transmogrify the DNA of all the women of Peckham CA?"
