taking off make-up

Why did Jesus take off the make-up of everybody in the end?

2Day 4 U!
I'm flying high Defying Gravity!


it is the loss of their innocense...it's supposed to also represent the last supper.


When I did the show, this was the saddest part of the show for us...we always had a hard time getting through this part and "On the Willows".



it actually may not be connected to Jesus was his disciple's feet as that was only in John's gospel.

just wanted to point that out.


Godspell is based on a poem or verse that suggests "like children, they become clowns" or something like that. Although, the symbolizim of the the previous posts are valid. There is something in the peom about removing the make-up. You all might want to look for an updated explanation of the script by Stephen Schwartz to find out the name of the poem. It's very hard to find but it's 3 or 4 verses are the origins of Godspell ... well that and the bible.

Macklin Crew


I have the script in front of me because I am currently in a production of Godspell and this is what the script says (Stephen Schwartz forward)...

"When Jesus removes their make-up, just prior to the Last Supper, he is saying that they have assimilated his teachings into themselves and no longer need the outward trappings that brand them as disciples."


"... symbolic act occur that makes it clear that Jesus is removing from his followers an outward manifestation of their seperateness from ordinary men and women."

hope that helps

~Why are entire years strewn on the cutting room floor of memory~


And it's the sad answer to the Peggy clown's question-"Can you take with you?"
Reportedly always an emotional moment for the cast in any production.


<It represents the part in the Bible where Jesus washes His followers' feet.>

I just realized that tonight! It fits, including when one of the followers wants to take Jesus' makeup off but Jesus doesn't let him do it.

God save Donald Duck, vaudeville and variety


I thought it was that, and also Jesus wanted them to be 'camoflaged' (sp?) in the ordinary population. If you go out with your 'facepaint' still on, then everyone says "You're special...I could never do what you do." But if you look just like them, they may try.
