a brief observation

read my brief observation at www.backwash.com (video rewind)


My brief observation - they take the bandages off, she looks in the mirror and her hair is perfect. After who knows how long under bandages, the depressive contact and close binding, without being washed in how many weeks, her hair is perfectly coifed, not musty or snarled in the least. It kills me every time.

My Hair Is Obedient


Or how about the make-up and lighting? Who knew someone could get such a professional make-up job under bandages. And the light was so flattering, like a 1930s movie close up or something.

It often bugs me when people wake up with full makeup on. And their pillow is so clean. How'd they do that?

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


And then don't forget about her nice clothes that totally fit her as she leaves the hospital. I guess someone went shopping for her while she was all bandaged up.


Why stop at the makeup. Nothing in this movie was believable. How did the police know that most of these cases were crimes? Her ex-roomate fell out the window, and Moose died of a skydiving accident. Not to mention the same detective was on all the cases? This movie was a black fantasy. No reality.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.



Possibly more realistic than in "Kill Bill" where Uma Thurman comes out of a 4 year long coma with her mental facilities intact and is capable of driving a vehicle inside of a few minutes.


That movie is dumb too.
