The hockey game goof

There is an obvious 'goof' in the movie. At the hockey game, Eddie goes out to get beer. When he does, Dillon alone is sitting with him, and Eddie has his jacket on. When he returns, he does not have his jacket on, and it is folded over the railing in front of their seats. Also, he brings back three beers, one for himself, one for Dillon and one for Dillon's 'nephew' (who was not there when he left). This indicates that there was probably a deleted scene, after which Eddie then left again to get more beer, this time for all of them, and to establish that Eddie was good and sauced by the time they left the game.


He knew that the nephew was supposed to be there. HE probably brought an extra just in case he showed up... but figured he would drink it if the nephew wasn't there.


I agree with the deleted scene theory. When Eddie came back with the 3 beers, he sat down as if he knew the nephew already, leading me to belive he was introduced to him the first time he came back with beers. They did cross paths when eddie got up the first time to get the beers but can't imagine that Eddie knew that was his nephew at the time.
