MovieChat Forums > The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973) Discussion > Eddie Coyle Screen Credit in 'The Town'?

Eddie Coyle Screen Credit in 'The Town'?

Anyone know why there was a specific credit given to TFoEC at the end of "The Town"?


I'd say the fact that Affleck was making the same film with prettier faces had something to do with it. But his attempt to put lipstick on Eddie Coyle where it wasn't needed made for a bad and more expensive film that will kill at the BO. I may be old fashioned but to me it's about moviemaking not marketing. Coyle continues to look loftier with each attempt to attain it's gritty mantle. First The Departed now this fairy tale noir.


The only commonality between The Town and Coyle is Boston and bank robbers. Everything else is far too different.


yeah ignore that strange answer. Its because Eddie Coyle was filmed in boston, was about bank robbers, and had a shot of a bank manager that walks to the shore of a beach. they just credited their homage.

You lost today, kid. But that doesn't mean you have to like it.


That's what I figured it was about. First thing that popped into my head was the scene from Eddie Coyle of Mr. Partridge being dropped off when I saw The Town.

The sad thing is, I'd estimate a good 3/4 of the people who went to see The Town have never even heard of TFoEC! I tell everyone I know to watch it, I even bring the DVD to friend's houses in case we need a flick.


In another forum, someone remarked that Brenner's character may be watching TFoEC on TV in one of the scenes in The Town. That is why it got the credit (for being actually seen). I'll wait till it hits cable to see.

All in all. After all the buildup and marketing hype in the months that lead up to them...movies like The Town and The Departed are in hind-sight, simple yarns that are not bad but....not really GREAT either. A movie like Coyle though seems to have that simple, intangible "staying power" that the others don't have. Just an opinion.


Affleck has stated that EDDIE COYLE is one of his favorite movies and that this was a nice way to pay homage to it. Both films are terrific, it's just that EDDIE COYLE is a masterpiece.


Renner is watching it in the movie, although you only hear the audio. The homage is not the credit.


Although no classic The Town isn't a bad little film (much like his earlier Run Baby Run) and doesn't deserve to mentioned in the same breath as lazy, souless crap like The Departed.

And if anything (Boston setting apart) I'd say Affleck's film is more like a smaller scale, less pretentious version of Michael Mann's Heat than it is Eddie Coyle.


I'd say the Heat/Town/Coyle juxtaposition you lay out is a good way to look at the films in relation to each other. Also, may I respectfully point out that I believe you meant to say "Gone Baby Gone" instead of "Run Baby Run".


Yea, Run Baby Run? I am a big fan of Affleck a director (especially Gone Baby Gone) as well as The Departed. But you're over the top dig into The Departed loses some of its power when you can't get the name right on the movie mentioned right before it. If you want to rip into something like that, make sure you aren't looking naive or uninformed elsewhere in your post.
