Quick question, minor spoiler.

Ok finished the book and the movie. Does Dillion rat the robbers out in the book? I swear I thought it was the girl who did it.

I declare that everything you are saying is stupid.


**Spoiler** Yes, if I remember correctly, it was Wanda who tipped off the cops after she was beaten up by Scalise but she never was blamed for it and Coyle was (I think because Dillon suggested his name to the mob as he did in the film).

**More spoilers** In fact, the reason why Eddie is killed in the book is because the cops ambush one of Scalise's guys at the bank on the job the cops are are tipped off on and there is a gunfight where the guys is killed. The unseen "Man" was very fond of this particular fellow and ordered Coyle to be hit as retribution. The gunfight and Wanda beating scenes were actually filmed for the movie but not used.


I'll have to check that out again - haven't read the book in a while. I don't see why Dillon would offer up Coyle - since in the book, he wasn't after covering for himself, as in the movie. I think that everyone involved just jumped to that conclusion because they knew that someone had sold them out, and Coyle seemed the most obvious.

This is the one time where I actually like how a movie changed the plot of the book that it was based on. Everything seems to come together better, and Dillon is more of a bastard this way.



Just scanned the book before I had to truck to work(Chapt. 26).
Dillon gives up Eddie's name to the man's go between almost word for word the way he does it in the movie. However, as far as the go-between (played by James Tolken in the film), there's a lot of what he says that is left out of the movie. One of the things is that he's "glad to hear" that Dillon professed that he didn't know what happened to Scalise and the kid that got killed when he was asked. The driver mentioned that people were a little nervous about Dillon due the "grand jury thing" that Foley mentioned a few times in the film. This may be one reason Dillon gave up Eddie; to get the heat off him...especially since Scalise gave Eddie's name to his lawyer (probably because Eddie was one of the few that knew they were knocking off the banks).

I'll have to re-read the whole thing again to see if there may be other reasons but that one jumped out.

What a great book!



In the movie, it's never clear who told Feds and cops Where the gangs last bank job would be...you know the police weren't following them since they wouldnt have time to get inside the house before the crooks did...I'll read the book soon...

